Announcement: "preapproved" tag added to bugzilla

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at
Thu Jan 10 20:56:23 PST 2013

On Thursday, January 10, 2013 00:20:18 Pierre Rouleau wrote:
> Therefore all questions on the development process should be sent here?

No. This list is for announcements. Digitalmars.D is for general D discussion. 
Digitalmars.D.Learn is for questions about how to use the language and general 
newbie stuff. For stuff specific to Phobos and general development discussions 
for D and its standard library, there's the Phobos list, and DMD.Internals and 
D-Runtime are for dmd and druntime respectively.

In general, if you don't know where to post something, post it to 
Digitalmars.D. For development process stuff, I guess that you could ask on 
either the Phobos list or in the main newsgroup, but you'll get more 
visibility in the main newsgroup, and the Phobos list is pretty quiet these 

- Jonathan M Davis

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