YASTACS announcement
spam at dzfl.pl
Thu Jan 17 07:07:17 PST 2013
On Thursday, 17 January 2013 at 11:01:17 UTC, kiskami wrote:
> Hi All,
> I would like to share my project with the D community, and hope
> it'll be useful for someone. YASTACS - "Yet Another Space
> Trading And Combat Simulator" is a 3D simulator game for
> Windows, I develop in my free time for fun.
> At the moment, its a little more than a proof of that the
> integration with big C++ projects like Ogre3D and CEGUI is not
> too hard with some tools like SWIG, cmake, VisualD, etc.
> There is no release yet, but the source code is available under
> GPL2 on the Code.google project site. Maybe, it inspires others
> to make integrations for more game development libraries.
> Bullet physics or OpenAl+ogg-vorbis anyone? ;)
> Code.google project: https://code.google.com/p/yastacs/
> Development blog: http://yastacs.blogspot.hu/
> Take care,
> kami
I see you used Swig for binding Ogre3D.
Maybe you could write up step by step guide how did you create
those bindings and how do you use them with D?
Such guide would be great help for those who needs to bind some
CPP projects
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