Browsers (Was: A very basic blog about D)

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at
Sat Jul 13 17:20:12 PDT 2013

On Saturday, 13 July 2013 at 23:40:02 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> From the developer's perspective, ever since v7, IE isn't as 
> bad as people say. I do webdev and I've had just as much 
> trouble with FF as I've had with IE.

Personally, I found Firefox 2 to be the biggest piece of trash 
back in the day, I'd rather use IE6 as a user and a developer 
(IE6 had bugs and incomplete implementations, sure, but there 
were pretty easy workarounds for all of them - they were annoying 
at worst, rather than show-stoppers. FF2 just simply didn't offer 
the features I wanted at all, despite them being in the CSS 

And nowadays, the #1 source of pain, by *far*, is Google Chrome. 
As in virtually every bug I get for my work sites is a Chrome bug 
in their basic html (they, I kid you not, broke <form> with 
multiple submit buttons in one of their releases, and <a 
target="_BLANK"> in one shortly thereafter). Bog simple html, 
worked everywhere else, failed in Chrome after one of their waaay 
too frequent automatic updates) or css handling. And all bets are 
off if you do try to get fancy, even if it works today on chrome 
1337, who knows how many bugs they'll introduce in the 236 
releases that will auto-update by this time next week.

but it can run DOOM..... at a frame rate similar to my old 
Pentium 1 computer despite being on a 100x faster processor. lol, 
what a joke. I can't believe so many people actually use that 

The #2 hassle nowadays? ipads.

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