DConf 2013 Day 3 Talk 2: Code Analysis for D with AnalyzeD by Stefan Rohe

Timon Gehr timon.gehr at gmx.ch
Sat Jun 15 14:49:49 PDT 2013

On 06/14/2013 11:03 AM, bearophile wrote:
> Don:
>> I don't think contracts can be much use to a static analyzer if they
>> can contain arbitrary code.
> The other contract systems I know of (Eiffel, Ada, C#, Sing#), plus few
> other systems that use the type system for similar reasons (Liquid
> Haskell, etc), use a very restricted expression language to state
> contracts. D is the only that uses free form D code.

Eiffel can call arbitrary methods in contracts.

> I presented this problem to Walter lot of time ago in a post. He
> answered me that analysing a loop is not harder than analysing the
> all/any/exists used in those systems. I was never convinced by that.
> I still think there's one D design problem here.

I disagree. The only problem is the verboseness of the contract system.

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