dlibgit updated to libgit2 v0.19.0

Dicebot public at dicebot.lv
Fri Jun 28 09:10:23 PDT 2013

On Friday, 28 June 2013 at 16:00:57 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
> Deimos is an overhead which provides no benefits. It was 
> supposed to
> be used to make discovery easy, but discovery can be done 
> through a
> wiki, or dlang.org, or an automated process (dub).

I suspect with time Deimos will be completely superseeded by 
"dub" or whatever tool becomes standard package manager for D. 
However, it should not be simply discarded because:

1) right now dub is not an official dlang.org project, but Deimos 

2) it is a certain brand name which gives promises about 
aggregated bindings - all Deimos bindings are thin 1-to-1 
reflections of their C origin.

In that sense, I would have expected Deimos become part of dub 
registry at some point, preferrably as a separate package 
category. But they should not loose identity of Deimos project.

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