Moritz Maxeiner
moritz at ucworks.org
Wed Mar 27 14:28:41 PDT 2013
On Wednesday, 27 March 2013 at 15:29:19 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
> On Sunday, 24 March 2013 at 02:37:52 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:
>> On Sunday, 24 March 2013 at 01:35:28 UTC, Chris Cain wrote:
>>> On Saturday, 23 March 2013 at 21:19:14 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner
>>> wrote:
>>>> TLDR: Your example should now work, provided you fix what I
>>>> previously mentioned. You can also look at
>>>> sample/fibonacci.d which I used instead of your fac to
>>>> confirm that you gist now works.
>>>> - Moritz
>>> Awesome. Indeed, it now fully works (and JIT does work after
>>> all! Thanks for showing me how to use that). Thanks for the
>>> more interesting example in the README, it's extremely
>>> helpful. And also thank you for taking some time to help with
>>> the issues I was having.
>> No problem, writing that fibonacci example forced me to read
>> up Stuff about LLVM I need to know anyway (for making the D
>> API)^^
>> Just one thing I forgot to mention: When you're using
>> llvm.util.memory.toCString you'll need to take care of the
>> allocated memory yourself, or you'll get memory leaks. The
>> example is a special case as all the c strings need to be kept
>> aroound until program termination, anyway (since LLVM's global
>> context exists until then and all the c strings used by LLVM
>> internally), but that's not the case with all LLVM C functions
>> with c string args.
> Question : why did you reorganize the modules ? They don't
> match LLVM's .h filenames.
> Is that intended , if yes, why ?
Yes it is intended to be that way. Regarding the reasons for that
Short answer:
Because in the case of the LLVM C API it makes things a lot
easier and simpler to maintain, as well as trivial to add new
parts for new LLVM versions.
Long answer:
1) The LLVM C API has headers which have very few lines of actual
code (e.g. Linker.h which only contains one enum and one
functions), making those into D modules seems wasteful.
2) Over versions of the LLVM C API headers appear and dissappear
(e.g. Linker.h exists since 3.2, EnhancedDissassembly.h has been
removed in trunk 3.3) and having them all around as D modules
makes maintenence a lot more complicated.
3) Having all functions in a single compile time enum makes the
runtime loading process a lot easier as you can generate all
three steps ( 1. function pointer alias for every C function 2.
function pointer variable for every function pointer alias 3.
loading of the shared lib symbol into the function pointer for
every function pointer) with but a few lines of codes, instead of
having to write the names of all C functions three times. And
since you can encode more information in that enum (an
associative array in this case) adding more function is trivial:
Simply add the function to the array in this manner: "NAME" :
["SIGNATURE", "+", "VERSION"] and that's it (and if the function
has been removed in said VERSION, change "+" into "-"). Since the
MixinMap template (a CTFE version of the map function designed to
get an array as its list and create D code for each of the items
of said array based on a delegate function f) is used for the
three steps described above no further code is needed.
TLDR: Supporting different versions of the LLVM C API takes
considerably less effort this way and if there is a disadvantage
to this approach big enough to outweigh that I can't see it.
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