DConf 2013 Day 1 Talk 2: Copy and Move Semantics in D by Ali Cehreli

Christopher Nicholson-Sauls ibisbasenji at gmail.com
Sat May 11 23:13:47 PDT 2013

I didn't get to go, simply because I could not make the time for 
it.  (Isn't it always the way...)  There are a few videos that 
I'm specifically waiting for, but perhaps more importantly I look 
forward to sharing them with specific people (the kind of people 
who might be able to convince stable companies to at least 
consider D for some of their work).

I also know that if I sent them a pile of links to hour-long 
videos, they probably aren't going to watch them all, if in fact 
any.  (Busy people are like that sometimes.)  I'm willing to bet 
there are plenty of other people on here doing the same -- and 
for us, at least, staggered releases are grand.  They create a 
"suspense" of sorts.  (Don't get me wrong, though... I'd totally 
marathon my way through the whole conf if they were all up 

That said, if a lot of current users are just too hungry to wait 
(and I can understand that!) then maybe speed it up /just 
slightly/.  Go 3 a week maybe? (Complete in 6.5 weeks.)  Or make 
it a video every three days? (Complete in 8.5 weeks.)  I don't 
really know what pace is best.  I am sure that all-at-once is not 
best -- for all reasons previously cited.

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