Heterogeneous type parameter variadics and function literals?

Dylan Knutson tcdknutson at gmail.com
Fri May 17 00:13:47 PDT 2013

Hello, Please correct me if I'm not using a term right; I'm new 
to the language, so I'm not all that familiar with what term 
applies to what :-)

I'm in kind of a bind here: I've got to, at compile time, do some 
conditional logic within a function literal based on the number 
of arguments passed. I could get away with a homogeneous variadic 
a-la "function void(auto args...)", however, if no arguments are 
passed, then the compiler infers args to be of type void[], which 
is a no-go for the compiler.
Furthermore, in my case, I can't declare the type of arguments 
that the literal takes, as I don't know what types of parameters 
they want to call the literal with ahead of time.
This leaves me with a single option (I think, there's probably 
some other way I overlooked): Use a heterogeneous variadic(?). 
Type parameters happen to be not valid on function literals as 
far as I can tell, so that's a no-go. I'm a little confused by 
this actually, as I can't really see why type parameters on 
function literals would be a "bad thing", and it seems like the 
solution that'd make most sense for D to allow.

So, is there any way to do something like this incorrect code:

auto opt_args = function string(Ctx...)(Ctx args) {
	static if(args.length > 1) {
		//Do something with args
		return "Foo";
	} else {
		writeln "Bar";

opt_args(); // "Bar"
opt_args(1); // "Foo"

except in a way the compiler won't throw up at? It'd be *very* 
useful for metaprogramming.

Thank you,

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