"Programming in D" book is about 95% translated

Joseph Rushton Wakeling joseph.wakeling at webdrake.net
Sat Nov 2 13:15:16 PDT 2013

On Saturday, 2 November 2013 at 00:03:51 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
> I have continued with the translation of the book. There are 36 
> of the 727 pages still to be translated. (However, I still need 
> to write the UDA chapter.)
> In addition to many corrections and additions throughout the 
> book, there are the following chapters translated:
> * Tuples
> * More Templates
> * More Functions
> * Mixins
> * More Ranges

That's fantastic, Ali, thanks and many congratulations! :-)

One small linguistic note -- in the "More Ranges" chapter, it may 
be better to call your example range "Opposite" rather than 
"Inverse".  In a strict mathematical sense you're correct -- 
swapping sign gives you the additive inverse -- but in a more 
colloquial sense the term "inverse" is usually in English assumed 
to be the multiplicative inverse.

This is to an extent a matter of taste, of course, so feel free 
to ignore me.

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