unit-threaded (D multithreaded unit testing library) v0.2.0 released

Atila Neves atila.neves at gmail.com
Wed Nov 13 05:18:37 PST 2013


What's new? Bug fixes and the dtest util.

dtest lets you point it at a list of directories, preferably just 
one called "tests" (that way there's less command-line options to 
type) and voilá, all tests in all subdirectories get run 

The way I have it set up for my projects is I have a shell script 
called "dt" that calls dtest telling it where the unit_threaded 
library is. All my projects now have a "tests" directory separate 
from the main source tree. When I'm at the root dir of the repo, 
all I have to do is type "dt" followed by Enter and there go the 
unit tests wizzing along in parallel. Edit, save, "dt", repeat 
until the test run goes red. TDD nirvana.

If I ever have my way and this takes off, I'd _really_ like to 
type "dub test" instead of "dt" and have it figure out 
dependencies itself. One can dream.

So now I have my own little version of what the Go guys have with 
"go test", whislt keeping the advantages of what the library 
already did. No boilerplate. Stick modules in "tests" in any 
package structure and have them all run.


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