DDT 0.9.0 released - GDB debugging integration

Jacob Carlborg doob at me.com
Sat Nov 16 02:11:26 PST 2013

On 2013-11-15 17:15, Bruno Medeiros wrote:

> I'd very much welcome any reports of things that you think maybe be a
> defect with DDT (or CDT). If GDB works from the command line, it should
> work from Eclipse as well.
> A few things to watch for:
> Seems like a 32-bit GDB can only debug 32-bit binaries, and a 64 bit GDB
> can only debug 64 bit binaries. And you if you try otherwise you won't
> get a clear error message, so it can be confusing.

Is that a limitation in DDT/CDT?

/Jacob Carlborg

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