Pragmatic D Tutorial

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Mon Oct 7 13:36:22 PDT 2013

On Monday, 7 October 2013 at 19:18:40 UTC, qznc wrote:
> I believe one of the things D needs right now is more 
> documentation. Therefore, I started writing a tutorial.
> It is aimed at people who can already program well in other 
> languages. This means nothing about loops or structs, because I 
> expect most people to know this stuff. I do not consider D to 
> be a language for beginners anyways.
> It is aiming for pragmatic not comprehensive advice. For 
> example, I mostly ignore LDC and GDC except for the 
> optimization chapter.
> Since I am working on Linux exclusively and I like the command 
> line, I cannot teach to Windows users. Sorry.
> This is still very incomplete and my our newborn family member 
> requires quite some attention. So expect this to develop with 
> glacial speed. ;)
> Nevertheless, I want to put this version 0.1 out to get some 
> feedback. What do you think about the topic selection? What 
> topics are missing? Serious errors so far?
> Wreck it! :)

I like it that you quote people from the forum with real 
situations, and even provide links of the discussion.

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