Z80 Emulation Engine
bearophile via Digitalmars-d-announce
digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Sun Apr 20 06:08:01 PDT 2014
> sorry, it uses GDC @attribute("forceinline") feature, so you
> need latest GDC to build it. it's not strictly necessary though
> (speed optimizations?
Have you performed a benchmark with and without that attribute?
> http://repo.or.cz/w/zymosis.d.git
In this kind of code computed gotos could help performance.
> struct { ubyte c, b; };
Struct definitions in D don't end with the semicolon.
> @property final void iff1 (int v) nothrow { riff1 = (v != 0); }
> /** set interrupt flip-flop 1 */
I suggest to omit the space between the function name and its
arguments. And if you want you can also add an "in":
... iff1(in int v) nothrow ...
> { rregR = ((rregR&0x7f)+1)|(rregR&0x80); }
Better to add spaces around those operators. And perhaps it's
better to use enum values instead of magic constants.
> final void exec () {
> ubyte opcode;
> bool gotDD, trueCC;
> int disp;
> ubyte tmpB, tmpC, rsrc, rdst;
> ushort tmpW = 0; /* shut up the compiler; it's wrong but
> stubborn */
> /* main loop */
> while (rtstates < rnext_event_tstate) {
> if (rCallPager) pager();
> if (rCheckBPs && checkBP()) return;
> rprevpc = rorgpc;
> rorgpc = rpc;
> /* read opcode -- OCR(4) */
> opcode = fetchOpcode();
> rprev_was_EIDDR = 0;
> disp = gotDD = false;
> rdd = &rhl;
> if (rhalted) { --rpc; continue; }
> /* check for I[XY] prefix */
> if (opcode == 0xdd || opcode == 0xfd) {
I suggest to add an empty line before the line of comment.
And I suggest to use 4 spaces as indent unit.
> static __gshared ubyte parity_tbl[256];
Better to use the D syntax:
static __gshared ubyte[256] parity_tbl;
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