D 2.066 is out. Enjoy!
bachmeier via Digitalmars-d-announce
digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Thu Aug 21 13:49:47 PDT 2014
On Thursday, 21 August 2014 at 20:43:53 UTC, Jonathan M Davis
> On Thursday, 21 August 2014 at 20:33:56 UTC, Walter Bright
> wrote:
>> On 8/21/2014 11:54 AM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
>>> LOL. Yeah, well, it would be ni going to support C+ce if we
>>> could get an actual
>>> list of the C++ features that D currently supports somewhere
>>> (and how to use
>>> them if it's not obvious). You've been doing so much great
>>> work on that that I
>>> have no clue what the current state of things is. For
>>> instance, this is the
>>> first I've heard of anything about template support; I'd
>>> thought that we were
>>> never going to support templates. Is it just for name
>>> mangling or for actually
>>> compiling them?
>> The thing is, while the code was there, there wasn't a single
>> test case for it in the test suite. Furthermore, at least for
>> Elf, there was no support for the special mangling done for
>> ::std:: stuff.
>> The thing is, modern C++ practice makes heavy use of std
>> types. Having an interface to C++ code is fairly unusable
>> unless D can also interface to std::string, std::vector, and a
>> few others.
>> The first step is to support the mangling of them. Then, try
>> to construct a "workalike" on the D side that follows D rules,
>> and yet is able to seamlessly interact with the corresponding
>> C++ code.
>> We'll see how far we can get with that, and then evaluate what
>> to do next.
>> There are no plans for actually compiling C++ code with a D
>> compiler. The plan is for support like we do for C - have a .d
>> "header" file for it.
> Well, I wouldn't have expected us to be compiling C++ per se,
> but previously, it seemed like the party line was that we
> wouldn't be supporting C++ templates at all because of how hard
> they were and because we don't want a C++ compiler in the D
> compiler. I'm certainly all for anything we can do for C++
> compatability without going off the deep end. I just don't hear
> much about what we're actually doing right now. So, I really
> have no idea what the current status of that is. With what was
> said at dconf and comments like these, it seems like we're
> making huge progress in comparison to where we were, and as far
> as I can tell, about the only way to hear about it is to either
> pay a lot of attention to dmd pulls or to see an occasonal
> comment from Daniel talking about it or from someone who's
> paying close attention to what he's up to. So, at some point in
> the near future, it would be nice if there were somewhere that
> actually said what D can actually do with C++ now, even if that
> doesn't include everything that's going to be coming or if much
> of it is marked as experimental and relatively untested.
> - Jonathan M Davis
It would be nice to have a page to link to when questions come up
on Reddit about compatibility with C++. That page should also
have information about avoiding the garbage collector and the
status of GC removal from the standard library.
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