Fix #2529: explicit protection package #3651
bearophile via Digitalmars-d-announce
digitalmars-d-announce at
Fri Aug 22 13:48:22 PDT 2014
> All I want is that whatever decision Walter makes to happen
> sooner than in few years from now.
There are other pending patches, like the support for the nice
[$] syntax by Kenji.
"I keep thinking there's gotta be a way to do this without
language changes." or "I keep thinking there must be a better way
than [$]." are the kind of standard answers Walter gives when he
doesn't have time to think about some design (because he has time
he usually needs only hours or very few days to implement
features, like when he made UDAs or C++ namespeces).
So I guess Walter is currently busy with something (like
finishing the 2.066 release and its regressions, or developing
Warp for Facebook, or something else), so you have to wait some
time for him to come back to the language development side, to
receive a good answer and a good solution.
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