dmd 2.065 beta 3

Rainer Schuetze r.sagitario at
Tue Feb 4 23:07:35 PST 2014

On 03.02.2014 19:54, evilrat wrote:
> On Monday, 3 February 2014 at 18:37:20 UTC, Andrew Edwards wrote:
>> Windows users, please give the new installer a try. It has been
>> updated to facilitate proper installation.
> vc2013/win 8.1/winsdk 8.1
> detects visual studio correctly, path to win sdk correctly.
> has wrong path to mspdb120.dll, current:
> PATH=%PATH%;%VCINSTALLDIR%\bin\x86_amd64;%VCINSTALLDIR%\..\Common7\IDE
> should be:

There is an unfortunate collision with the search paths for 64-bit and 
32-bit linker:

1. If you let the installer patch sc.ini to use the latest VS 
installation, it will use the 64-bit linker, and the settings are ok

2. If the installer does patch sc.ini or if you just use the 
zip-distribution, the 32-bit linker is the default as it has the same 
installation path for all supported versions of VS.

I guess we could always add the line


after the VS version specific lines.

> has no path to libs dir for sdk 8.1, should be:
> ; Platform libraries (Windows SDK 8.1)
> LIB=%LIB%;"%WindowsSdkDir%\Lib\winv6.3\um\x64"

According to commit log, this has been taking care of.

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