Bounty for -minimal compiler flag

1100110 0b1100110 at
Fri Feb 14 03:28:30 PST 2014

On 2/14/14, 5:10, Daniel Murphy wrote:
> "1100110"  wrote in message news:tjgimnoqoflzrcrlwjws at
>> I'm offering a $50 bounty on this.
>> (Preferably Bitcoins, but I'll use bountysource if desired.)
> I'd say just put it on bountysource, because then there's more chance
> others will add to it.
I thought that would be best, unfortunately.

>> rules:
>> Has to be called -minimal
> Dealbreaker.  The description for the switch reads "prevents all use of
> features which rely on druntime" and therefore the only reasonable
> switch name is "-nodruntime" or a variation of that.
I don't think we'll ever please everyone here.  All I'm really trying to 
do by specifying the name is prevent some cutesy annoying name.

I'd be fine with the switch being name -nodruntime, and honestly I like 
that better.

>> Has to fulfill Walter's original post. (listed below)
>> Has to split the separate parts into different flags as well as
>> -minimal(-nogc, -nomoduleinfo, etc. Naming is left to the implementer).
> Make a enhancement report on bugzilla with the details.

I will as soon as I iron a few wrinkles.  I need to figure out if 
typeinfo should be a part of this as well.

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