DUB 0.9.21

extrawurst stephan at extrawurst.org
Sat Feb 22 04:49:05 PST 2014

On Saturday, 22 February 2014 at 12:07:39 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
> Am 22.02.2014 12:24, schrieb Paulo Pinto:
>> Am 22.02.2014 10:44, schrieb Sönke Ludwig:
>> The Windows installer seems not to like being installed via 
>> UAC as the
>> Administrator gets the PATH configured, not the user that 
>> started the
>> installer.
>> --
>> Paulo
> Going by the installer script, it should install to the global 
> PATH (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) variable, not to the user's (or 
> Adminstrator's) one. Are you sure that the latter is the case 
> for you?
> There is also a ticket to enable per-user installation from 
> unprivileged accounts. I'll try to look into that topic, too, 
> for the next release (need to read up on the proper NSIS 
> options/plugins).

Just installed on my win7 machine without problems, on win8 on 
the other hand authorization was required... strange

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