∅MQD, a ∅MQ wrapper for D
Lars T. Kyllingstad
public at kyllingen.net
Fri Jan 24 09:45:44 PST 2014
∅MQD is a D library that wraps the low-level C API of the ∅MQ
messaging framework. It is a rather thin wrapper that maps
closely to the C API, while making it safer, easier and more
pleasant to use. The API is designed to feel familiar to
existing ∅MQ users, yet natural to D users.
For more information, check out the following links.
GitHub/README: https://github.com/kyllingstad/zmqd
API docs: http://kyllingstad.github.io/zmqd
DUB package: http://code.dlang.org/packages/zmqd
A while ago, I posted an RFC about this on the digitalmars.D
forum. I've since incorporated some of the suggestions I got and
made a few additions, and I now deem the library ready for
release. It hasn't seen a lot of serious field testing yet,
though, so there are surely a few bugs lurking in there.
Therefore, I am calling this the first beta release, and
encourage you to report any issues you encounter here:
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