Real time captioning of D presentations
Martin Drasar via Digitalmars-d-announce
digitalmars-d-announce at
Mon Jun 2 23:23:10 PDT 2014
On 3.6.2014 7:55, simendsjo via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:
>> Or because somebody in the production studio decided the music and sound
>> effects needed to be at least 2x louder than the dialog.
> (...)
> I was about to say the exact same thing. I always have to turn the
> volume way down to not blow the roof when some sudden sound effect is
> played, but then I can't hear the voice. I even use subtitles for my
> native tongue if the movie has a lot of sound effects. I'm having a
> really hard time understanding the rationale behind this - is it to
> deafen viewers? To show that it's far from reality so people don't get
> confused mixing fiction with reality?
It's not about deafening the viewer, it's about the costs. The sound is
prepared for theatres with lots of HQ hardware and for 5.1 sound at
minimum. The voice goes mostly to the central channel, effects on sides.
When you have a 5.1 setup, you can turn the volume up on the central and
down on sides and you will get reasonably sounding movies.
However, nobody in the industry wants to spend money on converting the
audio from 5.1 to 2, so it's usually left up to a player and it ends how
you describe it. Also ripped movies suffer from these problems a lot.
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