Interview at Lang.NEXT
Atila Neves via Digitalmars-d-announce
digitalmars-d-announce at
Thu Jun 5 05:46:23 PDT 2014
On Thursday, 5 June 2014 at 09:43:13 UTC, Jonathan M Davis via
Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:
> On Thu, 05 Jun 2014 09:30:44 +0200
> Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d-announce
> <digitalmars-d-announce at> wrote:
>> On 6/5/14, 7:59 AM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>> > So let me get this straight: There are programmers out there
>> > who
>> > find the occasional type annotations on some declarations to
>> > be
>> > significantly more work than following a convention of nearly
>> > *quadrupling* the amount of code they have to write? Two to
>> > three
>> > lines of tests for every one line of real code is considered
>> > rapid
>> > development, "saving developer time", "just getting things
>> > done",
>> > etc? And all that's considered a "style" of coding?
>> >
>> > You're right, I really don't understand that style of coding
>> > at
>> > all. ;)
>> >
>> > Don't get me wrong, I am pretty big on unittests, but even
>> > still: If
>> > people are trying to save developer time by replacing each
>> > minor
>> > type annotation with several extra unittests (which are less
>> > reliable anyway
>> > - greater room for human error), then something's gone
>> > horribly
>> > wrong.
>> >
>> > > It's usually quite hard to explain such
>> > > differences in coding stile to people that are used to
>> > static
>> > > typing.
>> > >
>> >
>> > That doesn't surprise me. It's also very difficult to explain
>> > 2+2==5 to people who are accustomed to basic arithmetic. ;)
>> I have to confess this echoes a few similar confusions I have
>> about
>> the use and advocacy of dynamically-typed languages. One
>> argument
>> I've heard a while back was that static type errors are not
>> "proportional response" and that static types only detect the
>> most
>> trivial of bugs, so why bother at all. But then the
>> heavy-handed
>> approach to unittesting espoused by dynamic languages, of which
>> arguably a good part would be automated by a static type
>> system,
>> seems to work against that argument.
> Indeed. It just makes no sense to claim that using dynamic
> typing is simpler
> and easier when you're then forced to write a bunch of test
> code just to catch
> bugs that the compiler in a statically typed language would
> have caught for
> you anyway.
> Though I confess what horrifies me the most about dynamic
> languages is code
> like this
> if(cond)
> var = "hello world";
> else
> var = 42;
> The fact that an if statement could change the type of a
> variable is just
> atrocious IMHO. Maybe I've just spent too much of my time in
> statically typed
> languages, but I just do not understand the draw that
> dynamically typed
> languages have for some people. They seem to think that
> avoiding a few simple
> things that you have to do in your typical statically typed
> language is
> somehow a huge improvement when it causes them so many serious
> problems that
> static languages just don't have.
> - Jonathan M Davis
No, it's not just that you're statically-minded. Your example
above is definitely atrocious, and more often than not a bug.
I don't know, but the only language I've used with no static
types that made me comfortable was Common Lisp. That was a long
time ago, but I think it was the ease of manually testing the
code in a REPL that did it. Obviously today I'd write unit tests
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