K-Nearest Neighbor + pointger alignments
bearophile via Digitalmars-d-announce
digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Tue Jun 10 01:46:53 PDT 2014
Ali Cehreli:
> I wonder what bearophile's response will be. ;)
Despite looking like a silly sequence of optimizations, I do have
some general comments on that text. Thanks to Kenji
(https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/dmd/pull/3650 ) this
code is now valid:
void foo(size_t N)(ref int[N] b) if (N == 4) {}
void main() {
int[5] a;
foo(a[1 .. $]);
The D type system is able to understand that if you slice away
the first item of an an array of 5 items, you produce a pointer
to an array of 4 items.
But the D static typing is not very strong (precise), D is not
yet using all the fruits given by static typing.
D throws away the compile-time knowledge about pointer
alignments, so if you write code like this without the 7 shorts
of padding, the program crashes at run-time, because of
uint distance(immutable ref short[nCols - 1] p1,
immutable ref short[nCols - 1] p2)
pure nothrow @nogc {
alias TV = short8;
enum size_t Vlen = TV.init.array.length;
assert(p1.length % Vlen == 0);
immutable v1 = cast(immutable TV*)p1.ptr;
immutable v2 = cast(immutable TV*)p2.ptr;
TV totV = 0;
foreach (immutable i; 0 .. p1.length / Vlen) {
TV d = v1[i] - v2[i];
totV += d * d;
uint tot = 0;
foreach (immutable t; totV.array)
tot += t;
return tot;
TLabel classify(immutable short[nCols][] trainingSet,
immutable ref short[nCols - 1] pixels)
pure nothrow @nogc {
auto closestDistance = uint.max;
auto closestLabel = TLabel.max;
foreach (immutable ref s; trainingSet) {
immutable dist = pixels.distance(s[1 .. $]);
if (dist < closestDistance) {
closestDistance = dist;
closestLabel = s[labelIndex];
return closestLabel;
In this program there is all the information necessary to compute
simply at compile-time the alignment of v1 and v2 and generate a
compile-time error if you try to perform SIMD operations using
such unaligned pointers. I don't like D to throw away static
information that can be used to avoid run-time crashes, this is
the opposite of what is usually called a safe language.
D type system is able to keep the length of arrays at
compile-time, allowing data types like ushort[N], but in a system
language that allows such simple usage of SIMD with core.simd
it's also useful to encode in the pointer/array type the
So this code should not compile:
uint distance(immutable ref short[nCols - 1] p1,
immutable ref short[nCols - 1] p2)
pure nothrow @nogc {
alias TV = short8;
enum size_t Vlen = TV.init.array.length;
assert(p1.length % Vlen == 0);
immutable v1 = cast(immutable TV*)p1.ptr;
immutable v2 = cast(immutable TV*)p2.ptr;
TV totV = 0;
foreach (immutable i; 0 .. p1.length / Vlen) {
TV d = v1[i] - v2[i];
totV += d * d;
While this should compile:
uint distance(immutable ref align(16) short[nCols - 1] p1,
immutable ref align(16) short[nCols - 1] p2)
pure nothrow @nogc {
alias TV = short8;
enum size_t Vlen = TV.init.array.length;
assert(p1.length % Vlen == 0);
immutable v1 = cast(immutable TV*)p1.ptr;
immutable v2 = cast(immutable TV*)p2.ptr;
TV totV = 0;
foreach (immutable i; 0 .. p1.length / Vlen) {
TV d = v1[i] - v2[i];
totV += d * d;
And now this function that calls distance should not compile:
TLabel classify(immutable short[nCols][] trainingSet,
immutable ref short[nCols - 1] pixels)
pure nothrow @nogc {
auto closestDistance = uint.max;
auto closestLabel = TLabel.max;
foreach (immutable ref s; trainingSet) {
immutable dist = pixels.distance(s[1 .. $]); // error
And now this should compile:
TLabel classify(immutable align(16) short[nCols][] trainingSet,
immutable ref align(16) short[nCols - 1] pixels)
pure nothrow @nogc {
auto closestDistance = uint.max;
auto closestLabel = TLabel.max;
foreach (immutable ref s; trainingSet) {
immutable dist = pixels.distance(s[8 .. $]);
And this should compile because std.file.read returns memory
allocated by the GC that is align(16):
align(16) immutable(short[nCols])[] readData(size_t nCols)(in
string fileName) {
return cast(typeof(return))std.file.read(fileName);
Where the alignment is not known at compile-time the D compiler
could add run-time alignment asserts in debug builds, to give
nice run-time error messages.
The simpler int[4] or int[] types are still valid and usable,
they could be align(1). If you think of them as align(16) you are
writing faith-based code when you use SIMD instructions.
Automatic variables (stack-allocated) too could allow alignment
annotations (perhaps ldc2 is already supporting this syntax):
void main() {
align(16) ubyte[60] ubs;
I discussed this topic another time in past:
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