DMD 2.066 Alpha
Iain Buclaw via Digitalmars-d-announce
digitalmars-d-announce at
Wed Jun 11 10:32:46 PDT 2014
On 11 June 2014 17:56, Andrew Edwards via Digitalmars-d-announce
<digitalmars-d-announce at> wrote:
> On 6/11/14, 11:24 AM, Iain Buclaw via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:
>> On 11 June 2014 14:19, Andrew Edwards via Digitalmars-d-announce
>> <digitalmars-d-announce at> wrote:
>>> On 6/11/14, 2:23 AM, deadalnix wrote:
>>>> I'll be there to test and bug report ! Thank for being the release
>>>> lieutenant.
>>> In my world a lieutenant is absolutely useless. Given the tutelage and
>>> guidance of solid staff non-commissioned officer, some day they will
>>> become
>>> productive members of the community. If they don't find such a mentor
>>> however, they will become loose cannons: destroying all in their path.
>>> I tend to see life from a different perspective. Officers, in general,
>>> are
>>> quite useless. They are the "good idea fairies" who give little, if any,
>>> consideration to the ramifications of their ideas/proposals and will stop
>>> at
>>> nothing to see them come to fruition: regardless of consequences. Worse
>>> still, they are absolutely incapable of implementing the ideas/proposals
>>> they generate.
>>> I prefer a "Chief and Indian" analogy. The Chief knows what needs to get
>>> done and, though she may not know have the tasks required to get the job
>>> done, leverages the strengths of the Indians to do so. The Indians
>>> provide
>>> the skills and know-how, and actually does the work.
>>> This community needs far more Chiefs and Indians (arguably more Indians
>>> than
>>> Chiefs): and way less lieutenants.
>>> Oh, wow! That was a pretty long way around to say thank you for your
>>> continued support.
>> Nice analogy (and outlook!)
>> Now, as 'Chief' of GDC talking to 'Chief' or D releases, I must say
>> that the release timings are abysmal. At least 2 months overdue. I
>> have only just managed to catch up to 2.065, and that's not due out
>> till the weekend.
>> Things used to be so much easier when releases were less than 2 months
>> apart.
> You are absolutely correct... I was asked to delay the April and, after
> that, my personal life took precedence. I am aiming is to get back on track
> with a two month release cycle. The maintenance releases will remain on a
> six month cycle though.
FYI, I have actually collected some stats about DMD vs GDC supported
D2 versions and their dates. It's quite interesting, and ends with a
guestimation of the 2.067 release date, followed by how long till
2.066 will be merge down into GDC. :-)
Maybe this should be posted somewhere, Andrei?
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