DConf Day 1 Talk 6: Case Studies in Simplifying Code with Compile-Time Reflection by Atila Neves

Tofu Ninja via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Tue Jun 17 15:00:41 PDT 2014

On Tuesday, 17 June 2014 at 17:10:16 UTC, Mengu wrote:
> and also the genius idea to post each talk seperately instead 
> of having a nice talks page on dconf.org and providing a link 
> for that. i'd understand the keynotes but for the rest of the 
> talks this is / was not a good idea.

I think the hope was that it would attract more views overall. I 
think what was not taken into account was the way Reddit post get 
viewed, having their up votes spread out among the different 
posts is much worse than pooling them as the reddit posts are far 
less likely to be viewed with low up vote counts. Also its 
annoying for us who just want to watch the talks.

A much better strategy would have been a full release of all the 
talks followed with a reddit post of all of them to get the large 
burst up front, then after wards have individual posts for each 
video to get the staggering as well. It would effectively doubled 
each videos exposure(reddit is all reposts any ways so its all 
the better :P).

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