DConf Day 1 Talk 6: Case Studies in Simplifying Code with Compile-Time Reflection by Atila Neves
Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce
digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Thu Jun 19 05:16:20 PDT 2014
> On Thursday, 19 June 2014 at 11:04:25 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
>> My connection is specified to 10 Mbps. But it depends on how
>> large the files are. Most of the files from DConf are under
>> around 350MB in HD quality. On the other hand, Andrei's talk
>> from LangNext 2014 is 1.3 GB and 48 minutes long while the
>> talk by Bjarne is 2.8 GB and 68 minutes long.
> There are also 740 and 65.8 MB encodings of Andrei's talk that
> are perfectly usable. I should know, as I downloaded the
> latter.
> Same for Bjarne's talk, which I haven't downloaded.
Sorry, I just noticed that you were only talking about "HD
quality." I don't know where you're getting the 350 MB figure,
as all the HD recordings on archive.org are about 6-800 GB, but
yeah, file sizes will vary based on the type of HD resolution and
encoding used. I wouldn't call any hour-long video encoded into
350 MB "HD quality" though, as it's likely so compressed as to
look muddy.
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