for team

Cassio Butrico via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at
Thu Jun 26 13:14:19 PDT 2014

On Tuesday, 20 May 2014 at 07:20:16 UTC, Denis Shelomovskij wrote:
> DGui is a lightweight graphic library for Windows with API 
> close to .NET's Windows Forms.
> The library is written by Trogu Antonio Davide, but he isn't 
> supporting it any longer so you can refer me as a current 
> project manager.
> One can get examples and OMF import libraries needed to build 
> executables from "Downloads" section on project page.
> Project repo page:
> Note:
> The project API should be stable now, but lots of stylistic 
> renames happened recently so if one has a huge codebase using 
> old names and want to upgrade to current version you can 
> contact me and I will prepare autorenaming scripts for you (I 
> used it to do renaming anyway).
> Sorry for API breakage, I just couldn't see all those C-style 
> uppercased enums any more.
> P.S.
> I was waiting to be able to do planned API breaking changes 
> before posting here so the announce is half a year later than 
> the project resurrection date.
Hello DGUI team.

My name is Cassio butrico and am new to the "D" language.

I would like to congratulate the great job they have done.
I have studied the codes every day, and realized that some
conversions are not performed by the compiler.

I'm just passing some notifications that would have
analyzed for the team. They are:


71 |        if(res)
72 |          {
73 |              this._dlgRes = to!(string)(toUTF8(buffer).ptr);
74 |         }

===============  change to  ===================

71 |        if(res)
72 |          {
73 |             string  namefile;
74 |             foreach(i,c; buffer)
75 |                {
76 |                    if(c != '\0')
77 |                     {
78 |                        namefile ~=  to!string(buffer[i]) ;
79 |                     }
80 |               }
81 |               this._dlgRes = namefile;
82 |           }


31 |          @property public T2 result()
32 |           {
33 |               return this._dlgRes;
34 |           }

===============  change to  ===================

31 |          @property public T2 result()
32 |           {
33 |               auto autostrFile = this._dlgRes;
34 |               return autostrFile;
35 |            }


I thank the attention.

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