My D book is now officially coming soon

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at
Mon Mar 3 08:37:48 PST 2014

As some of you might know, I've been working on a D book over the 
last few months. It is now available as "coming soon" on the 
publisher's website:

I was hoping to have it finished in time for the D conference, 
but the publisher thought that was too soon to be realistic and 
it is looking like they are right... right now we believe it will 
be available in the summer.

Anyway, the topics I talk about include:

* Phobos, including Ranges
* Testing (both static and run time), documentation, and error 
* Reflection and code generation
* All kinds of fun with structs
* Integration with other languages and environments
* Using some third party libraries

and some more. My goal is to act as a nice complement to Andrei's 
book, not to repeat it, so while I do cover a lot of language 
features, I try to do them in the context of bigger picture 
tasks. So hopefully, the books can go together and reinforce each 

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