DCD 0.3.0-beta1 and DScanner 0.1.0-beta1

yazd yazan.dabain at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 23:15:24 PST 2014

On Sunday, 2 March 2014 at 10:58:04 UTC, Suliman wrote:
> I tried a lot of times, but without result.
> One man report that for him all works fine, but I do not 
> understand what's wrong in my situation.

I originally thought that the issue was with the autocompletion. 
Now I understand that it's with the compilation of a 
multiple-file project. The sublime build file provides three 
variants for building. The first one uses dmd, the second rdmd, 
and the third is dub. For multiple-file projects, use the rdmd 
build variant, by instead of building, just run. You can press 
ctrl-shift-b for that or goto Tools -> Run.
To use the dub build, press ctrl-alt-p, then type dub. You'll get 
a command that says `Build: dub`

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