Niklaus Wirth Birthday Symposium

Paulo Pinto pjmlp at
Fri Mar 14 10:24:39 PDT 2014

Am 14.03.2014 13:10, schrieb dope:
> some reading and listening thats interesting
> Niklaus Wirth celebrated his 80th birthday. The Niklaus Wirth
> Birthday Symposium, organised by the computer science department
> of ETH Zürich, was a celebration of the life and work of Niklaus
> Wirth on the occasion of his birthday. Details about the talks
> and speakers are available here. The talk of Niklaus Wirth
> himself is also available (complete programme).

Adding the discussion I started back on Lambda the Ultimate.

I am a fan of Wirth's work as he and his peers have proven that is 
possible to have personal workstations OS done in memory safe systems 
programming languages (Modula-2, Oberon and their successors)

Sadly the world at large ignored what was happening at ETHZ during the 
mid 90's and decided to invest in optimizing C compilers instead.


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