warp: a fast C and C++ preprocessor

justme justme at example.com
Sun Mar 30 20:25:36 PDT 2014

On Monday, 31 March 2014 at 00:09:34 UTC, Leandro Lucarella wrote:

> I think that's pretty wasteful, why won't you just use clang? 
> What's the
> point of competing with another opensource project (a very good 
> one,
> that took a lot of men-hour to do a good C/C++ compiler, 
> including the
> preprocessor). I understand Walter did this in a couple of 
> weeks, clang
> have been developed for at least 7 years now, is totally 
> understandable
> that clang outperforms warp, is enough merit for warp to 
> outperform GCC.
> I mean, if someone wants to have fun, go ahead, but putting 
> community
> effort on that where there are so many places that are more 
> important to
> put the effort on seems a bit silly.

Walter taking 2 weeks to do something comparable to what the 
clang and gcc guys have done over many years, serves as massive 
advertising for D.

Also, here we now have an entire project written by the man 
himself. That should serve as required reading for anybody who 
wants to learn how to code in the latest D.

And it serves as a benchmark for the best C++ coders. They can 
try to do the same in C++ in two weeks. (I bet by the end of the 
two weeks the guys are ready to switch languages!)

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