
John Colvin via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Mon Apr 13 12:18:27 PDT 2015

On Monday, 13 April 2015 at 18:35:59 UTC, Vadim Lopatin wrote:
> On Monday, 13 April 2015 at 17:51:54 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
>> On Tuesday, 20 May 2014 at 18:13:36 UTC, Vadim Lopatin wrote:
>>> Hello!
>>> I would like to announce my project, DlangUI library - 
>>> cross-platform GUI for D.
>>> https://github.com/buggins/dlangui
>>> License: Boost License 1.0
>>> Native library written in D (not a wrapper to other GUI 
>>> library) - easy to extend.
>>> As a backend, uses SDL2 on any platform, Win32 API on 
>>> Windows, XCB on Linux. Other backends can be added easy.
>>> Tested on Windows and Linux.
>>> Supports hardware acceleration - drawing using OpenGL when 
>>> built with version=USE_OPENGL.
>>> Unicode support.
>>> Internationalization support.
>>> Uses Win32 API fonts on Windows, and FreeType on other 
>>> platforms.
>>> Same look and feel can be achieved on all platforms.
>>> Flexible look and feel - themes and styles.
>>> API is a bit similar to Android UI.
>>> Flexible layout, support of different screen DPI, scaling.
>>> Uses two phase layout like in Android.
>>> Supports drawable resources in .png and .jpeg, nine-patch 
>>> pngs and state drawables like in Android.
>>> Single threaded. Use other threads for performing slow tasks.
>>> Mouse oriented.
>>> Actually, it's a port (with major redesign) of my library 
>>> used for cross-platform version of my application CoolReader 
>>> from C++.
>>> State of project: alpha. But, already can be used for simple 
>>> 2D games and simple GUI apps.
>>> I'm keeping in mind a goal to write D language IDE based on 
>>> dlangui. :)
>>> Adding support of 3D graphics is planned.
>>> Currently implemented widgets:
>>> TextWidget - simple static text (TODO: implement multiline 
>>> formatting)
>>> ImageWidget - static image
>>> Button - simple button with text label
>>> ImageButton - image only button
>>> TextImageButton - button with icon and label
>>> CheckBox - check button with label
>>> RadioButton - radio button with label
>>> EditLine - single line edit
>>> EditBox - multiline editor
>>> VSpacer - vertical spacer - just an empty widget with 
>>> layoutHeight == FILL_PARENT, to fill vertical space in layouts
>>> HSpacer - horizontal spacer - just an empty widget with 
>>> layoutWidth == FILL_PARENT, to fill horizontal space in 
>>> layouts
>>> ScrollBar - scroll bar
>>> TabControl - tabs widget, allows to select one of tabs
>>> TabHost - container for pages controlled by TabControl
>>> TabWidget - combination of TabControl and TabHost
>>> Layouts - Similar to layouts in Android
>>> LinearLayout - layout children horizontally or vertically 
>>> depending on orientation
>>> VerticalLayout - just a LinearLayout with vertical orientation
>>> HorizontalLayout - just a LinearLayout with vertical 
>>> orientation
>>> FrameLayout - all children occupy the same place; usually 
>>> onle one of them is visible
>>> TableLayout - children are aligned into rows and columns of 
>>> table
>>> List Views - similar to lists in Android UI API.
>>> ListWidget - layout dynamic items horizontally or vertically 
>>> (one in row/column) with automatic scrollbar; can reuse 
>>> widgets for similar items
>>> ListAdapter - interface to provide data and widgets for 
>>> ListWidget
>>> WidgetListAdapter - simple implementation of ListAdapter 
>>> interface - just a list of widgets (one per list item) to show
>>> Sample project, example1 contains demo code for most of 
>>> dlangui API.
>>> Try it using DUB:
>>>   git clone https://github.com/buggins/dlangui.git
>>>   cd dlangui
>>>   dub run dlangui:example1
>>> Fonts note: on Linux, several .TTFs are loaded from hardcoded 
>>> paths (suitable for Ubuntu).
>>> TODO: add fontconfig support to access all available system 
>>> fonts.
>>> Helloworld:
>>> // main.d
>>> import dlangui.all;
>>> /// entry point for dlangui based application
>>> extern (C) int UIAppMain(string[] args) {
>>>   // resource directory search paths
>>>   string[] resourceDirs = [
>>>       appendPath(exePath, "../res/"),   // for Visual D and 
>>> DUB builds
>>>       appendPath(exePath, "../../res/") // for Mono-D builds
>>>   ];
>>>   // setup resource directories - will use only existing 
>>> directories
>>>   Platform.instance.resourceDirs = resourceDirs;
>>>   // select translation file - for english language
>>>   Platform.instance.uiLanguage = "en";
>>>   // load theme from file "theme_default.xml"
>>>   Platform.instance.uiTheme = "theme_default";
>>>   // create window
>>>   Window window = Platform.instance.createWindow("My Window", 
>>> null);
>>>   // create some widget to show in window
>>>   window.mainWidget = (new Button()).text("Hello 
>>> world"d).textColor(0xFF0000); // red text
>>>   // show window
>>>   window.show();
>>>   // run message loop
>>>   return Platform.instance.enterMessageLoop();
>>> }
>>> DDOC generated documentation can be found there: 
>>> https://github.com/buggins/dlangui/tree/master/docs
>>> For more info see readme and example1 code.
>>> I would be glad to see any feedback.
>>> Can this project be useful for someone? What features/widgets 
>>> are must have for you?
>>> Best regards,
>>>    Vadim  <coolreader.org at gmail.com>
>> Is there any way I can debug a unittest build? "Start 
>> Debugging" seems bound to the debug build.
> Are asking about DlangIDE?
> There is no debugging here at all.
> Start Debugging currently just exdecutes `dub run`

Sorry, yes wrong thread. OK, thanks for the explanation

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