Better watch out! D runs on watchOS!

Dan Olson via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at
Sun Dec 27 17:17:15 PST 2015

A little progress report. More to come later when I get something pushed
to github.

I bought a returned Apple Watch yesterday at discount for $223.99 US and
tried to see how much of D would work on it using my iOS fork of LDC.
There were a few bumps, like dealing with embedded bitcode (a watchOS
requirement). After 4-hours of baby steps, little D programs with
incremental druntime support, I was able to download a huge watch app
extension with all druntime and phobos unittests and run most of them
alphabetically. Everything zipped along fine, only a std.math error,
then mysteriously a exit after running std.parallelism test a long time.
It was late for me so decided that was enough progress.

This means all of druntime worked and probably most of phobos.

The Apple Watch uses a new chip with armv7k, a different ABI, and
different exception handling than iOS, so kinda surprised it worked as
well as it did.  Of course much thanks goes to LLVM with recently added
watchOS, tvOS support, and all the LDC contributors that have kept
master building with the latest 3.8 LLVM.

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