DDocs.org: auto-generated documentation for all DUB projects (WIP)
Kiith-Sa via Digitalmars-d-announce
digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Tue Feb 10 21:03:28 PST 2015
On Tuesday, 10 February 2015 at 23:53:19 UTC, MrSmith wrote:
> On Tuesday, 10 February 2015 at 22:40:18 UTC, Kiith-Sa wrote:
>> DDocs.org (http://ddocs.org) is a repository of documentation
>> for DUB projects that automatically re-generates docs as new
>> projects/releases/branch changes are added.
>> The idea is to make documenting D projects as simple as
>> possible, to the point where you don't need to do any work to
>> get documentation for your project other than adding it to the
>> DUB registry. Also, users can now browse documentation for DUB
>> projects even if the author was too lazy to generate it
>> themselves (assuming thy did include some documentation
>> comments).
>> Note that this is still in a very early stage, it was put
>> together in a very quick-and-dirty style by a person with
>> little webdev experience. Currently it just scans
>> `code.dlang.org`, looking for changes (yes, I know, this will
>> break as soon as code.dlang.org changes, I plan to raise
>> issue/s (PRs?) to the dub registry project so it can have a
>> full/stable API, but I wanted to get something to work *right
>> now*.
>> Code is here:
>> * ddocs.org: https://github.com/kiith-sa/ddocs.org
>> * hmod-dub: https://github.com/kiith-sa/hmod-dub
>> * harbored-mod: https://github.com/kiith-sa/harbored-mod
>> Background:
>> When optimizing harbored-mod by testing it on big D projects
>> (gtk-d, tango, vibe.d, etc.), I wrote a simple tool to
>> fetch/generate docs for any DUB project; I got carried away
>> and used that as base for a tool that checks for changes in
>> the DUB registry and generates docs for all projects.
> That is pretty cool! I will put a link to it in all my project
> readmes.
> I've noticed that License: "a$(WEB boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt,
> Boost License 1.0)." gets rendered as "a".
> Am I doing it wrong?
There's a bunch of macros used in many D projects not documented
in the language reference. They seem to be defined somewhere in
Phobos/Druntime (? - not sure), not really built in, but I add
them as I find them so compatibility is kept. Added $WEB to
harbored-mod now. There already also is LINK, LINK2, and HTTP...
and of course Markdown [link](http://link.org) - but that doesn't
work with plain DDoc generators.
The change can take a while to propagate to your packages as
ddocs.org waits a few days before regenerating docs for releases
that already have docs generated and <2 days for known branches
(~master) so it doesn't constantly regenerate docs for everything
- it is feasible now but won't be if the DUB registry gets bigger
as fast as I expect.
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