DConf 2015 Call for Submissions is now open

Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Wed Jan 7 20:07:26 PST 2015

Just a quick question for the DConf organizers regarding 

It would be really great if any Google Summer of Code students 
students were invited to DConf and given the opportunity to 
present their proposals to the D Community.  However given the 
timeline, we likely won't have any accepted proposals at the 
DConf deadline.

If things go well and our organizational bid is successful, could 
we tentatively plan to have a GSOC session where they presented 
their proposals.

I think it would be too much for a student to give a 45-50 minute 
presentation, but if we could get more than one student (or 
mentors) to participate, maybe a quick overview of each proposal 
could take up a single presentation slot.

Then there is of course the issue of getting poor students to 
DConf, however given its (sort of) central location for US 
students it might be possible.

I know there are a lot of 'ifs' there, but if we could pull 
something off it would really help the students bond with the D 



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