∅MQD 1.0.0-alpha released - now with full ∅MQ 4.0 support
Lars T. Kyllingstad via Digitalmars-d-announce
digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Fri Jan 9 03:34:46 PST 2015
∅MQD is a D library that wraps the low-level C API of the ∅MQ
(aka. ZeroMQ) messaging framework. It is a rather thin wrapper
that maps closely to the C API, while making it safer, easier and
more pleasant to use. The API is designed to feel familiar to
existing ∅MQ users, yet natural to D users.
With this release, the latest stable ∅MQ version (4.0.x) is
supported in full, including the new security mechanisms.
I'm going to let it linger in the alpha release stage for a
while, in the hope that you guys will try it out and give me some
feedback and bug reports. Please let me know of any issues via
the GitHub issue tracker.
For more information, check out the following links.
GitHub/README: https://github.com/kyllingstad/zmqd
API docs: https://kyllingstad.github.io/zmqd/zmqd.html
DUB package: http://code.dlang.org/packages/zmqd
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