DlangUI project update
FrankLike via Digitalmars-d-announce
digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Fri Jan 23 07:57:44 PST 2015
On Thursday, 22 January 2015 at 13:37:16 UTC, Vadim Lopatin wrote:
>>>> If use dco to build the dlangIDE,config local.ini
>>>> ----------------local.ini---------------------------
>>>> DC=dmd
>>>> DCStandardEnvBin=dmd2\windows\bin
>>>> SpecialLib=dlanguilib
>>>> importPath= -I..\..\dlangui\src
>>>> ;lflags=console
>>>> lflags=win32
>>>> ;lflags=win64
>>>> ;dflags=
>>>> libs= ..\lib\dlanguilib.lib ..\lib\dlib.lib
>>>> ;targetType=exe//lib//staticLib//dynamicLib//sourceLib//none
>>>> targetType=exe
>>>> ;targetName=;// ;'null is auto'
>>>> targetName=dlangide.exe
>>>> ;compileType=;//64//32mscoff
>>>> compileType=
>>>> ;buildMode=debug;//release
>>>> buildMode=debug
>>>> --------------------end---------------------
>>>> and copy dlib.lib with dlanguilib.lib to lib folder,and copy
>>>> dlib to "dmd2\windows\import",then run 'dco',will get the
>>>> dlangIDE.exe file only
>>>> 1206kb,but bu dub, 4518kb.
>>>> get dco:
>>>> git clone https://github.com/FrankLIKE/dco
>>>> Frank
>>> Did you try dub build --build=release ?
>> I known it,but can't get so small exe for debug,and
>> exe
>> no console.
> On win32, dub build --build=release now gives 1305Kb executable
> with embedded resources.
> What are advantages of dco?
Config ini is Quickly,if you don't know how to config a dub.json.
Building is quickly and easy : 'dco' in cmd.exe ,then ok.
It's easy to get a win32.exe ,not a exe on console.
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