New blog about D

Márcio Martins via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at
Fri Oct 2 17:14:47 PDT 2015

On Tuesday, 29 September 2015 at 10:23:25 UTC, Chris wrote:
> On Tuesday, 29 September 2015 at 04:19:58 UTC, Mike Parker 
> wrote:
>> On Monday, 28 September 2015 at 14:26:35 UTC, Chris wrote:
>> I really don't like blog posts that have overly broad titles 
>> when the subject matter is technical. I think the title should 
>> be as specific as possible so that I know if it's something I 
>> care about. If I see a general title about game development 
>> that refers to something that only touches a specific aspect 
>> of it, one that I'm not interested in, I'll just feel like 
>> I've wasted my time. Moreover, when I am doing a search for 
>> something specific, the blog title is often all I pay 
>> attention to as I can the search results. A more specific 
>> title helps out a lot.
> It depends on what the blogger in question wants. If s/he wants 
> to draw attention to D in general and give examples of how D is 
> useful to solve certain problems (e.g. with templates, mixins 
> etc), then the title should be more general. The next article 
> might be about processing big data in D - then it should have 
> "big data" in the title/tag/keywords and not just something 
> that refers to one specific aspect of big data handling. The 
> point is that if people see D being associated with various 
> aspects of programming (games, big data), it gets them 
> interested in D in general.
> If, however, the blogger only wants to talk about D to people 
> who already use D, then s/he might as well be more specific.

I just published a follow up post, demonstrating how easy it is 
to get swizzle assignment.

I also implemented feeds, which can be found here:

Posts are now also properly tagged with meta keywords.

Chris, I kept the title similar to suggest a follow up. I still 
think you were right regarding the title policy, and next posts 
will have a title more appealing to a broader audience.

Thanks for the feedback guys!

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