DSFML reaches version 2.1

Jeremy DeHaan via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Tue Oct 6 23:43:16 PDT 2015

It is my pleasure to announce that DSFML hit version 2.1! This 
version has been a long time coming, but this represents a huge 
milestone for DSFML (and for me!)

DSFML(along with its backend DSFMLC) is a binding and a wrapper 
for SFML - the Simple and Fast Multimedia Library. It does 
input(mouse, keyboard, joysticks/gamepads), audio (buffered 
playback, streamed playback, recording), networking(tcp/udp 
sockets, ftp, http), window and OpenGL context creation, and 
simple 2D graphics using OpenGL (sprites, text, shapes, shaders, 
and vertex arrays). Currently works on Linux, Windows, and OS X.

Reasons that this took so long was:
- Many bug fixes
- Finally passed all included unit tests
- Things make more sense
- Created a website
- Added documentation
- Added tutorials
- School's a bitch

Visit the website at http://dsfml.com to view tutorials, 
documentation, forum, and downloads.

Just a heads up, I have never gotten a project to a point like 
this. I have never had to put a website or tutorials together for 
anything, and this is the first "real" release. I'm sure some 
things don't make as much sense as I think they do. Go easy on me 

Plans for the future:
- Make things more idiomatic to D
- Update to most recent version of SFML
- Better everything (tests, documentation, tutorials, website)

Check it out, have fun, and most importantly let me know if you 
have issues!


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