Vibemail - extensions for vibe's Mail class to send multi-part emails with attachments

Robert M. Münch via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at
Tue Sep 29 05:26:58 PDT 2015

On 2015-09-29 03:53:44 +0000, Sebastiaan Koppe said:

> This library[1] allows you to send multi-part emails with attachments.
> ```
> Mail email = new Mail;
> email.headers["Date"] = Clock.currTime().toRFC822DateTimeString();
> email.headers["Sender"] = " Contact Form ";
> email.headers["From"] = "\"Example\" <info at>";
> email.headers["To"] = "\"Bas\" <bas at>";
> email.headers["Subject"] = "My subject";
> import std.stdio : File;
> email.setContent(
>      mailMixed(
>          mailRelated(
>              mailAlternative(
> mailHtml("<html><body><center>asdfasdfasdf</center></body></html>"),
>                  mailText("asdfasdfasdf")
>              )
>          ),
>          mailAttachment(File("test.png","rb"),"image/png","image.png"),
>          mailAttachment(cast(immutable(ubyte[]))"You are an 
> idiot!","plain/text","text.txt")
>      )
> );
> sendMail(settings, email);

Not that I'm to deep into the code nor D but would it be possible to 
write it somehow like this:

Mail email = new Mail;

email.headers = [
	"Date" Clock...,
	"Sender" ...

This would be a much more descriptive approach, which I think makes a 
lot of sense for such things. And it follows the "dont repeat yourself" 

Robert M. Münch
smarter | better | faster

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