Official dub packages for Debian and Ubuntu
Joseph Rushton Wakeling via Digitalmars-d-announce
digitalmars-d-announce at
Tue Apr 12 09:57:41 PDT 2016
On Tuesday, 12 April 2016 at 01:58:13 UTC, Matthias Klumpp wrote:
> On Monday, 11 April 2016 at 21:58:55 UTC, Joseph Rushton
> Wakeling wrote:
>> Related note: I see the lcd version in xenial is 0.17.0~beta2
>> -- I don't suppose there's any chance of upgrading that to the
>> stable 0.17.1 release ... ? (Not asking you to do it
>> personally, just wondering if that's something that could be
>> achieved.)
> I can ask, but given that the Xenial final freeze is on 24.
> April (release on 26.) and changing compiler versions that late
> in the cycle is potentially dangerous, I guess there is only a
> slim chance of success... On the pro-side is that having a beta
> compiler in the LTS release is undesirable, but even then I
> need to find an Ubuntu developer who does have time to do the
> sync and get the feature-freeze-exception. LDC FTBFSing on
> armel in Debian (and not entering testing due to that at time)
> is also an issue :-/
Ouch :-( Well, if you are happy to look into it, that would be
great -- no pressure, though. :-)
I get the point about not updating compilers late in the
development cycle, but this update is likely to produce a better
package and I can't see it triggering any other package rebuilds
beyond the LDC phobos/druntime packages.
BTW, the package description for ldc, in both Debian and Ubuntu,
is insanely out of date: it reads,
LDC already compiles a lot of D code, but should still be
considered beta quality. Take a look at the tickets to get
a better impression on what still needs to be implemented.
... which AFAICT is unchanged from something like 5+ years ago,
when the ldc packaged in Debian/Ubuntu was a D1-only compiler
still in heavy development.
> There is no real policy, at least I have found none. But from
> my tests, ldc simply crashed right away when trying to compile,
> later it wasn't able to process some code gdc had no problems
> with (I haven't tried the upcoming release). Since the GNU
> Compiler Collection is Debian's default compiler, I have set
> the compiler dependency of dub to gdc | ldc | d-compiler, so
> gdc is preferred, but replacing it with any other compiler will
> work too.
That's very odd. What were you trying to build ... ?
> I didn't touch that, since dub seems to automatically find the
> right compiler. The preference seems to be dmd >> gdc >> ldc2,
> which looks sane to me.
Yea, sounds good.
Related note: would it be viable in principle to get dmd itself
into Debian and Ubuntu repositories via (respectively) non-free
and multiverse ... ? Again, not asking you to do the work, but
just curious based on your experience of being a Debian packager.
> For Debian Stretch I assume the situation will be much better
> though :-) (given the state of the LDC and GDC Git repos).
Looking forward to it :-) And, thank you again!
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