Eclipse Paho D Library (finally) started

Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at
Wed Aug 31 08:01:08 PDT 2016

On 2016-08-31 16:14, Frank Pagliughi wrote:
> Hey All,
> First, my apologies. Over a year ago I had promised to put up a D
> library for MQTT, but a number of factors conspired against me in the
> intervening time.
> But this week, I finally got an initial version loaded. It will be a
> part of the Eclipse Paho libraries for MQTT, and an official 1.0 release
> should come about this fall.
> The first release will be a wrapper around the Paho C library, and thus
> should be protocol compliant and fairly feature-complete at the offset.
> It also follows the Java and C++ API's pretty closely, so should make it
> easy for people to jump around between languages.
> The repository is here:
> I'm still quite a D novice, so any help, hints, tips, or bug reports
> would be appreciated.

I would be nice to have something that is vibe.d compatible.

/Jacob Carlborg

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