Mir Blog: Writing efficient numerical code in D

Relja Ljubobratovic via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Mon Dec 12 22:20:50 PST 2016

On Tuesday, 13 December 2016 at 05:27:01 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
> I'm about to fall asleep, but I made a quick pass through the 
> piece. Here are a few nits:

Thanks for an extensive feedback, Andrei! I've followed up 99% of 
fixes given here[1], but unfortunately I'll be unavailable for 
the rest of the day, so I'm passing the torch (or the hot potato) 
to Ilya.

> * "we’ve been actively refactoring" -> define the team; so far 
> the article referred to the author as a single person
I've done the coding, but couldn't have done it without Ilya's 
consulting, so I put the 'Mir team' there. Hope thats ok.

> * "On my machine" -> "On a Core i7 laptop with xyz GB or RAM 
> and xyz other relevant parameters..."

There are specs shown at the top of the post, so I thought it 
would be best just to remove the "On my machine part". Again, I 
hope that's alright.

> I suggest making two passes through the piece: (a) one pass 
> should reduce fillers that are abundant ("as you can see", "as 
> I'll show you", "as said in the docs"...) A few are fine 
> (perhaps 2-3 in the whole article. Then (b) one pass looking 
> for unified use of "I" (most likely: the author, use 
> sparingly), "you" (the reader, use sparingly), and "we" (most 
> likely: the author and reader looking together at something).

As I've demonstrated, I'm quite unexperienced with writing. :) 
So, thanks for the feedback, I've learned a lot! If I catch some 
time during the day, I'll be sure to take another glance at it!

> The results are terrific, congrats Ilya and Relja!
> Andrei

Thanks a lot Andrei!

[1] https://github.com/libmir/blog/pull/32

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