Ddb needs a maintainer

Suliman via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Sun Feb 14 12:06:35 PST 2016

On Sunday, 14 February 2016 at 19:48:34 UTC, Eugene Wissner wrote:
> On Sunday, 14 February 2016 at 16:53:31 UTC, Piotr Szturmaj 
> wrote:
>> On 2016-02-14 12:48, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
>>> It seems both ddb and ddbc had the same idea, building a 
>>> library
>>> accessing databases independently of the kind of database. The
>>> difference is that ddb does not seem to have the abstraction 
>>> making it
>>> database independent and only works for Postgres. ddbc on the 
>>> other hand
>>> does support multiple databases and have the abstraction 
>>> layer. So at
>>> this point ddb is basically a Postgres driver and nothing 
>>> more.
>> ddb was written with multiple databases in mind, mostly 
>> postgres, mysql and sqlite. db.d (DBRow definition) is 
>> database independent. postgres.d contains PGConnection, 
>> PGCommand, etc. Other backends should provide their own 
>> classes like MySqlConnection, MySqlCommand and so on. Then 
>> it's trivial to add an abstraction layer that chooses between 
>> different backends depending on the connection string for 
>> example.
>> Regarding ddb maintainability, thank you for your interest, I 
>> can add you both (Jacob and Eugene) to my repository as 
>> collaborators, you will have full access to repo, pull 
>> requests and issues. If I will ever need ddb in some of my 
>> project I would still have access to my repo to make some 
>> changes. If the project will grow bigger than expected we 
>> could move it to the new repo later. Is that okay for you?
> yes, it is for sure ok for me. It can be a good start.
> I think may be we should discuss if we can/should change 
> something in ddb. I think there were some interesting and 
> promising ideas in this discussion. Maybe split the PostgreSQL 
> driver and develop it seperately and use an interface more 
> similar to JDBC. Maybe some kind of coworking with ddbc is 
> possible to get more developers together; maybe Suliman has 
> some thoughts on it.

I like idea to have one good driver instead of two of not 
finished, and would like that it ships as vibe-d module. For my 
regret I have not enough so experience to help with developing. 
But if you will decide to collaborate with ddbc developer (he is 
also russian-speaker) it will be very cool.

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