Terminix 0.51.0 Released

xky via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Sat Feb 27 21:31:15 PST 2016

On Saturday, 27 February 2016 at 23:13:47 UTC, Gerald wrote:
> Terminix is a tiling Linux terminal emulator I've been working 
> on designed for the Gnome 3 environment and using GtkD. This 
> newest release fixes a number of bugs and adds some new 
> features. I'm announcing it here primarily for D programmers 
> interested in development using GtkD since this might be useful 
> as a real world GtkD program that exercises a significant 
> percentage of the GTK API. Also, if anyone wants to contribute 
> to the effort I'm always looking for help.
> Terminix can be found here: https://github.com/gnunn1/terminix

pretty good! ]:-)

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