D runs on watchOS! and on Android Wear too!
Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-announce
digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Wed Jan 6 21:14:11 PST 2016
On Wednesday, 6 January 2016 at 17:35:07 UTC, Dan Olson wrote:
> Laeeth Isharc <laeethnospam at nospam.laeeth.com> writes:
> I think it is a good hijack!
>> Somebody should do a blog post about this (and how to get it
>> to work step by step - it's easy when you know how, but the
>> set of people that don't and would like to but will get stuck
>> is quite large).
> For watchOS, soon there will be a binary release of cross
> compiler with phobos and will have instructions like I have for
> the iOS release.
> What is holding me up is I still am trying to decide how to
> manage multiple releases (iOS, tvOS, and watchOS) since the
> libraries are all different but the compiler is the same. It
> doesn't fit the mold but I'd like to have a single bin with
> multiple libs.
Yes can imagine it gets messy quickly yet is a lot of work to
>> I might have a commercial use for this in coming months (both
>> on Android and watchOS). Since it's an internal application
>> the rough edges are of less concern to me than if one expects
>> 100,000+ users.
> Laeeth, note that app store approval may be a ways off since
> they want to use their own LLVM to compile bitcode and I have
> patches not in official LLVM. If you only need to side load
> watchOS, then you will soon be good to go.
Appreciate the colour. Side loading fine for now, and actual use
is realistically some way off as I have a lot of other things to
do as well. I am in a funny business where the fewer the users I
have the better (for x>=1) so my concerns are different from
someone making a consumer app.
>> Wrappers for everything would help a lot (and then some
>> tutorials) - I guess the Apple stuff is under way.
> The D Objective-C interface is not in LDC yet and I think what
> is in dmd so far only supports a subset (instance method calls
> I think). There are other ways, depending on what you need to
> do, but right know it seems best to do all the UI stuff in
> Swift or Objective-C and use D for everything else.
Yes - I haven't looked at Apple at all as I have too many
computers already as it is and don't have a Mac. I wonder if it
is possible to implement something like what I understand Corona
have done for C# in D: make a common layer for what can be shared
so work involved in customisation for each platform is minimised.
I guess we are at a point now that the heavy lifting is done
where some small success stories can inspire others to have a try
and the ecosystem can grow.
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