Autotesting dub packages with dmd nightly

Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at
Sun Jul 17 06:17:45 PDT 2016

On 2016-07-16 22:34, Sebastiaan Koppe wrote:
> Just to let you guys know - and to be sure no one is doing the same - I
> decided to go ahead and *start* writing an autotester that will fetch
> dmd nightly and unittest each dub package.
> It will be using a classic master-worker architecture and will leverage
> docker containers.
> I am aiming really low at first, but will eventually add things like
> memory usage, history, notifications, etc.

Why not using something existing, like GitLab? Although GitLab is a 
source code hosting system its CI is excellent. It uses a master-worker 
architecture as well, GitLab being the master and one or more runners. 
Runners are available for all major operating systems: macOS, Linux and 
Windows. For Linux a Docker runner is available. This way it could run 
tests on multiple platforms. The installation is straight forward with 
native packages.

/Jacob Carlborg

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