Ocean preview finally open sourced

Leandro Lucarella via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Thu Jun 30 09:45:43 PDT 2016

Hello again Dland! I'm happy to finally announce the open 
sourcing of our Ocean base library, just it time to keep our word 
and make it in June ;-)


To quote the README:

Ocean is a general purpose library, compatible with both D1 and 
D2, with a focus
on supporting the development of high-performance, real-time 
applications. This
focus has led to several noteworthy design choices:

* Ocean is not cross-platform. The only supported platform is 
* Ocean assumes a single-threaded environment. Fiber-based 
multi-tasking is
   favoured, internally.
* Ocean aims to minimise use of the D garbage collector. GC 
collect cycles
   can be very disruptive to real-time applications, so Ocean 
favours a model of
   allocating resources once then reusing them, wherever possible.

Ocean began life as an extension of Tango, some elements of which 
eventually merged into Ocean.

Please consider this as a very early release, this is why we are 
"branding" it as a "preview". This is basically because, despite 
being working on the open sourcing full steam since DConf ended, 
we couldn't manage to set up all the infrastructure to be able to 
put all our development efforts in the public repo yet. So 
unfortunately the main development will still happen inside 
Sociomantic for this first phase (we'll only synchronize 
releases). When this will switch finally happens will depend on 
how much work it would imply to build a public infrastructure 
(mainly for automatic testing), and honestly, what's the 
community reception (we understand it might not be all that 
tempting being a D1 project that gets automatically converted to 
D2, thus not very idiomatic D2 :).

Anyway, the main big step is done. You can take a look at the 
code, use it or steal parts of it if you find them useful 
(although please have a look at the licensing terms, even when 
all our code is Boost, there is code inherited from Tango that 
isn't), criticize it, and if you are really nice, fill issues and 
make pull requests!

Also, in the near future we plan to write a blog post explaining 
a bit more about what Ocean is about, we'll let you know when 
it's ready, but we didn't want to delay the release for it :-)

Thank you!

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