My ACCU 2016 keynote video available online

Jens Mueller via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at
Mon May 23 01:02:37 PDT 2016

On Sunday, 22 May 2016 at 21:16:03 UTC, David Nadlinger wrote:
> On Thursday, 19 May 2016 at 12:54:48 UTC, Jens Müller wrote:
>> But ldc looks so bad.
>> Any comments from ldc users or developers? Because I see this 
>> in many other measurements as well.
> This definitely does not match up with my experience. 
> Particularly if you see this in many measurements, there might 
> be something iffy with the way you test. Could you please post 
> a runnable snippet that demonstrates the issue?

No need to. Since you said it didn't match your experience I 
checked. It turns out I was using last years ldc (0.15.2-beta2). 
Version 0.16.0 behaves similar.
But for version 0.17.1 I get the following plots. ldc looks much 
better. I make a note to check the fast math version once that's 
release. But the code is integer heavy.

> In general, could you please directly post any performance 
> issues to the LDC issue tracker on GitHub? We are quite 
> interested in them, but I only happened to come across this 
> post by chance.

Sorry about that. Next time.


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