code-d 0.12.0 - The user friendly release (code-d for noobs)

WebFreak001 via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at
Sat Oct 8 12:46:17 PDT 2016

On Saturday, 8 October 2016 at 19:43:07 UTC, bitwise wrote:
> On Saturday, 8 October 2016 at 19:10:22 UTC, WebFreak001 wrote:
>> git clone git at
> Done, but had to use this instead(some permission error):
> git clone
>> dub build --build=release
>> and set the folder path to that executable
> The build seems to have worked, but I don't see any build 
> output, and the console gives no indication of where it went.

Can you make some recording of whats wrong with the developer 
tools open? (ctrl-shift-p -> developer tools)

Also I'm on the D as WebFreak001 if you want a more direct chat

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