Cppcon tonight at 8:30 in Bellevue

Brad Anderson via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Thu Sep 22 11:35:43 PDT 2016

On Thursday, 22 September 2016 at 14:03:04 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:
> On 9/21/16 7:37 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
>> On 9/21/2016 3:48 PM, Brad Anderson wrote:
>>> http://www.elbeno.com/presentations/using-types-effectively/presentation.html
>> Sorry I wasn't clear. The free entry is only for the 8:30 talk.
> Slides are nice, I hope the talk was good. His notion of total 
> functions gets a bit weakened by the existence of the default 
> constructor (e.g. if the return type has a default value, you 
> can always write a total function that just returns it). In 
> order to avoid such degenerate cases, he'd need to add the 
> requirement that the function is also injective (maps different 
> inputs to different outputs). Then his examples are meaningful 
> (and beautiful).
> In D, the closest we get to the notion of a total function is a 
> nothrow pure function. As far as I know we cannot enforce 
> injectivity.
> Andrei

Just to be clear, this wasn't slides for the talk Walter was 
attending. I'm not sure if Walter was going to the Lightning 
Talks, the Concepts/Range talk, or the Biggest Security Fails 
talk. This was just a separate one from earlier in the week.

I remember you recommending Types and Programming Languages by 
MIT Press awhile back. Is that still what you'd recommend for 
learning about type theory?

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